Sunday, November 2, 2008


First of all Mr.Poppyseed came in town and decided to torture me. Oh! By the way Mr.Poppyseed is my dad. So , anyways he came into my room and looked at my poem I was making and had to take a picture of it. Here is what we said........................... UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH ok I'll do it deep breath in big breath out...
You are all from some where but this kid J(me) was blind.., oh @#$% I was saying my poem shnitzlwit. OK here it is...
Dad:Hey is that your poem
J: UUUHHH yeah. uh huh.
Dad: So thats what you were gonna give to your girlfriend!
J: huh?
Dad:You know how I'm talking about. Morgan H!?
Ok as soon as he left I shot up so fast and got my marker and scribbled out the most important words.
Oh by the way ladies I'm 11 not 31 or 21.
I only like Morgan Heiner.

Anyone who suscribes to my site, please tell me your Email address so I can email you.
I also can give you guys some Manga Art lessons online just Email me and it might come in a day or so.

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